Norwegian Sky Cruise Trip to Havana, Cuba

Norwegian Sky
Sep 30th, 2018 - Oct 7th, 2018

Cruise to Havana, Cuba

A good friend of mine talked me into going on this cruise. I've never been on a cruise before or on any type of ocean vessel other than a ferry or surfboard for that matter. He offered to cover the expenses if I would go with him on this adventure. I was given a list of 5 places to choose from (with strong hints towards Cuba). Havana sounded like it would be a beautiful, colorful, place rich in history and culture. As my friend put it "Once in a lifetime opportunity!" I was sold.

First off who just covers someone to go on a cruise for them let alone let them choose where to go.
Having a feeling of disbelief and anxiety I didn't think much of it. A few weeks later I was asked to confirm Havana, Cuba for a 3 day cruise. Two months later I was told a 5 day cruise had been booked with a extended stay in Miami, FL. When planning months ahead of time for anything you don't realize how great the moment is till you experience it. I was absolutely amazed by the places and people I met during my trip. The things I thought I would get to see was nothing compared to what I saw and felt. I would go back in a heartbeat!

Please enjoy the photos & story of my adventures on the cruise to Havana, Cuba and Miami, FL.


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